A Hamas Front in Jerusalem?

Hamas, recognized by many countries as a dangerous terrorist org, is seeking a foothold in Israel’s front yard – namely, the Arab suburbs of Jerusalem. Israeli intelligence helped arrest six terrorists about to run a day camp steeped in Hamas ideology.

The Hamas terrorist organization was thwarted this week in an attempt to open a summer day camp in the greater Jerusalem area. The ramifications of the concrete plans made to open the camp, as well as the fact that they almost succeeded, are extreme.

Jerusalem Police intelligence work led to the discovery of a bus filled with kids, counselors, and terrorists on its way to the camp in the Jericho area. Police stopped the bus in mid-trip, arrested six of the organizers for planning a Hamas day camp, and confiscated the bus.

The Hamas Covenant reads, inter alia, “Israel will rise and will remain erect until Islam eliminates it as it eliminated its predecessors… our struggle against the Jews [emphasis added] is extremely wide-ranging and grave… until the enemies are defeated and Allah’s victory prevails.”

Hamas has a long history of murdering many hundreds of Israelis. In 2007, it violently took over the Gaza Strip, and then began attacking Israel even more earnestly, with hundreds more suicide bombings, shootings, stabbings, ramming attacks – and balloon agro-terrorism.

Even more dangerous are Hamas’ ties with Iran. It was reported this that Hamas will open a war front against Israel from Gaza in the event of hostilities between Israel and Iran’s allies Hizbullah and/or Syria.

Hamas today has footholds in several neighborhoods of eastern Jerusalem, and is seeking even more.

Israel Wakes Up, Destroys Security-Risk Structures

Israel destroyed eastern-Jerusalem Arab homes last week because they are not only illegal, they are also a bona fide security threat.

The razing occurred just outside the south-eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Sur Baher, practically adjacent to the Jerusalem neighborhood of Talpiyot Mizrach. Terrorist attacks originating in Sur Baher have not been uncommon in recent years.

The buildings had been built alongside the anti-terrorism wall, leaving no room for Israel’s anti-terror forces to safely patrol the area. Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan explained that the structures presented a security danger to the residents of Jerusalem.

The buildings would not have had to be destroyed, had the Arab residents not insisted on moving the anti-terrorism wall to include more of their houses on the Israeli side. Thus, the buildings were located outside Jerusalem-proper, on the Israeli side of the barrier, and inside PA-controlled territory.

Let us take this opportunity to reiterate why any thought of “dividing” Jerusalem is pure folly at best, and existentially dangerous at worst – in that it will not only not solve the urban, demographic, or security challenges of the Israeli capital, but will worsen them.

Trump Presents Plan, PA Contests, Israel Stands Firm

by Hillel Fendel and Chaim Silberstein, www.KeepJerusalem.org
The Trump “Deal of the Century” has been presented, in part, and the Palestinian Authority has gone all out to condemn it – for the Arabs don’t want to come to any arrangement with Israel. A top Fatah official explained the PA’s refusal to participate in the Bahrain conference by calling it “the great plot that is being woven against our people… Palestine is not for sale and Jerusalem is not up for negotiation.”

The Jewish People have known and internalized for over 3,000 years that Jerusalem is the crux of the matter – and the Arabs wake up to this fact every few centuries as well, but only when they deem it politically necessary.

Regarding supposed “undying, historic” Muslim links to Jerusalem, we must remember that the awakening of supposed Muslim religious ties to Jerusalem means only that Islam wants to conquer Jerusalem for political, nationalistic, or military reasons. Muhammad was the first to enact this policy.

Israel’s Minister of Public Security signed an order Friday to prevent the PA from holding a conference entitled “Jerusalem the Capital of Palestine” in the Old City.

The Jewish People must not remain nonchalant or passive in this war; Aliyah to Jerusalem must continue and increase, and Israel must assert its sovereignty throughout United Jerusalem.

Diplomacy organization discusses embassy move with Canadian MPs – Arutz 7

Chaim Silberstein, founder and president of the public diplomacy organization Keep Jerusalem, paid a visit to Canada last week, culminating in an important visit to the Canadian Parliament and meeting with Members of Parliament from the Conservative and Liberal parties, as well as the heads of CIJA, an Israel advocacy organization with headquarters in Ottawa. Silberstein is the grandfather of the baby murdered in a terror attack at the Ofra Junction.