Keep Jerusalem – Im Eshkachech es una organización sin fines de lucro y no partidista, que educa sobre la centralidad de Jerusalén en la vida judía, junto con la importancia de que se mantenga unida y segura para todos los amantes de la libertad bajo soberanía israelí

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[stat_counter icon=»Defaults-user» icon_size=»60″ icon_color=»#ffffff» icon_style=»circle» icon_color_bg=»#004a80″ counter_title=»Tens of thousands of participants in geopolitical tours, dozens of Government Ministers and MK’s briefed and taken on VIP tours» counter_value=»10000″ speed=»3″]
[stat_counter icon=»Defaults-bank institution university» icon_size=»60″ icon_color=»#ffffff» icon_style=»circle» icon_color_bg=»#004a80″ counter_title=»Hundreds of parlimentarians from over 60 countries briefed and taken on VIP tours» counter_value=»500″ speed=»3″]
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[stat_counter icon=»Defaults-book» icon_size=»60″ icon_color=»#ffffff» icon_style=»circle» icon_color_bg=»#004a80″ counter_title=»Two laws passed in Knesset inspired by Keep Jerusalem policy recommendations» counter_value=»2″ speed=»3″]


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 November Featured YAAKOV HAGOEL
Incoming Chairman of the World Zionist Organization
Hightlights of Yaakov’s talk here

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