A lone, dry headline gave no hint of its dramatic and historic significance: “Police Forces Operating on the Temple Mount.” The news brief below it added only that the Israel Police were moving Muslim worshipers out of the Temple Mount area.
A Temple Mount Movements spokesman told us the complete story, having to do with a Muslim meditative practice called Itikaf and terrorist intentions to hide out on the Mount, prepare riots and attacks, and prevent Jews from frequenting the holy site.
This, of course, is the end-all goal of these radical Islamist-funded terrorists: to detach the Jewish People from the source of their national strength and history.
The police responded quickly, firmly and quietly, emptying out the area within minutes. But they must continue to be on the alert to ensure, for instance, that the upcoming Jerusalem Day celebrations not be marred…
Another “front” in the battle for the Temple Mount is the Gate of Mercy compound, closed for years by police order. This past February, a hoard of Arabs broke into it and announced plans to establish yet another mosque on the Mount. It remains open to Muslims even now, though their plans to build a mosque appear to have been shelved.
The battle for Jerusalem and its holy sites thus continues in full force, even if beyond the radar of most news outlets and consumers.