Our Educational Tours

Geopolitical Tour

VIP Testimonials

About the Tour

Our educational tour for groups, individuals and VIPs is designed for diplomats and opinion leaders. Thousands of tourists, Israelis, decision makers and opinion leaders have participated in our tours as well as US congressmen, Israeli Knesset members and members of parliament from Europe and around the world.

Our tour covers the northern peripherals of Jerusalem, including Nebi Samuel (Shmuel Hanavi’s tomb) lookout point, Kalandia checkpoint and security barrier, Hussein’s palace observation point, view from French Hill on the Shuafat Refugee Camp and view to the Old City from Mount Scopus. Many of these areas are not well known and are rarely visited.    

The tour focuses on five main issues:

  1. Geography – where are east and west Jerusalem and their borders?
  2. Demographics – who lives where and how many, growth and fertility stats?
  3. Legal issues – who has sovereign rights to Jerusalem? Who builds legally and illegally?
  4. Security – what are the threats and from whom?
  5. Strategic analysis – different viewpoints outlining the political future, policy options for future of the city security, demographic and urban challenges.  


Russel Sitrit-Leibovich, McGill University

This was the highlight of my stay as a visiting student to Israel

Bernard Friedman, Detroit District Court Judge 

The issues are complex but you have managed to change my paradigm. 

Jonathan Ferziger, Bloomberg News

Thank you for the best geography and demography lesson I’ve ever had the pleasure to enjoy.  

Pastor Mario Bramwick, South Florida

Thank you for an eye-opening and informative tour.

Danny Dannon, Israel Ambassador to UN

You are providing vital information to Israeli Jews as well as the international community. Keep up the good work!

Doug Lamborn, Congressman (R-CO)

Thank you for Giving me the tools to defend Israel and Jerusalem  

Prof. Mordechai Nisan, Hebrew University

Thank you again for the excellent and informative tour. The whole Jerusalem enterprise is a historic struggle and you are right there upfront a part of it.

Israeli Member of Knesset on Tour

Mike Huckabee On Our Tour