Special Yom Kippur Notice

Dear Friends,
I hope you received our last article on Our “Next Year in Jerusalem” Will Outlast Their “Blood and Fire”
Keep Jerusalem- IM ESHKACHECH continues to do amazing work to secure and maintain a united Jerusalem with a large Jewish majority.
We impact public opinion and public policy, tirelessly working to educate and advocate politicians, media people and the general public.
We produce publications, position papers, video clips, articles and other publications which reach hundreds of thousands of people. We carry out
highly successful geo political tours that tens of thousands have participated in.

None of this is possible without your support.

“אין ירושלים נפדת אלא בצדקה…” (שבת קלט ע”א)
Yerushalayim is redeemed only through Tzedaka (Talmud 139:a)

Please consider donating to us NOW as Yom Kippur approaches.