Globes: Jerusalem homes, hotels approved near old railway station
600 homes, hotels, office space and commercial stores and more have been approved on land stretching south from the city’s historic railway station. Read full article here
600 homes, hotels, office space and commercial stores and more have been approved on land stretching south from the city’s historic railway station. Read full article here
-Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz has ordered his office to draw up plans to stop the Turkish government’s efforts to undermine Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem and protect Jordan’s special status as guardian of Muslim holy sites in the city.
A 2,000-year-old street that may have been commissioned by Pontius Pilate for pilgrims has been discovered in Jerusalem by archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority.
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Munir Zughayer, an activist who leads a committee that frequently complains to the Jerusalem Municipality about the poor state of services in Kafr Aqab, said that he would welcome the decision to transfer Dar al-Marafa’s administration to Israeli authorities.
“We know that these types of schools are better than those run by organizations,” he said. “We hope Dar al-Marafa will become one of them.”
The city of Jerusalem will see the rise of 40,000 more apartments in the next ten years, according to Mayor Moshe Lion.
The mayor made the announcement last week at an inauguration for the Aura Institute for Law, Social Entrepreneurship and Urban Renewal at the Interdisciplinary College (IDC) of Herzliya.
Old Yemenite synagogue violently taken by Arabs over 80 years ago reclaimed in the historic City of David.
Keep Jerusalem united and secure under Israeli sovereignty!
Chaim Silberstein, founder and president of the public diplomacy organization Keep Jerusalem, paid a visit to Canada last week, culminating in an important visit to the Canadian Parliament and meeting with Members of Parliament from the Conservative and Liberal parties, as well as the heads of CIJA, an Israel advocacy organization with headquarters in Ottawa. Silberstein is the grandfather of the baby murdered in a terror attack at the Ofra Junction.
Absolute disgrace… To celebrate liberation of Jerusalem but close liberated area to the liberators… Wild idea… wait for it… Ban the Muslims from the Temple Mount, They’re anyways the trouble maker (always have been, long tradition of trouble making on the site dating back to year 600) Keep Jerusalem United and LIBERATED under Israeli sovereignty…
100 down (supposedly)… 40,000 more illegal units to go.. Keep Jerusalem strong and united free of illegal Palestinian construction See article